JUDICIARY Latest Features

Execution Division on Plans to Improve Service Delivery
Hon. Lady Justice Mutonyi speaking at the meeting held at Execution and Bailiffs Division

The Execution and Bailiffs Division of the High Court held their first meeting of the year to discuss on how to make the Division an effective instrument for justice.

The meeting was chaired by the Head of the Division; Hon. Lady Justice Henrietta Wolayo. Hon. Lady Justice Elizabeth Kibula Kabanda and Hon. Lady Justice Margaret Mutonyi, as well as Deputy Registrars; HW Deo Nzeyimana and HW Dorothy Sempala Lwanga equally attended the meeting.

Hon.Lady Justice Wolayo explained that the meeting had been delayed as the Judges were still gathering feedback from court users on the performance of the court and their assessment of the staff there.

On customer care relations, Hon. Lady Justice Mutonyi urged the staff to treat clients with courtesy in their quest to get justice. Adding that as Judicial Officers they are available for consultation.

On her part, Hon. Lady Justice Kabanda said it was important for the Division staff to address the issue of double registration of files and urged the registry to be more organized since the registry is the 'eye' of the Division.

Hon.Lady Justice Wolayo called for the reorganization of the registry filing system to match modern court record management practices. 

It was agreed that all cases be entered in the Court Case Administration since the system does not match the physical files.

Posted 12th, March 2020
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